
Posted on 08.02.11

欧米の有名デザイナーズショップや百貨店などでしか手に入らなかった「ペーパーセルフ」がついに日本上陸。製作者であり、デザイナー兼社長のChunwei Liao氏は、イギリス、ヨーロッパで数々のデザイン賞を受賞し、「紙の新しい表現の形」として「PAPERSEF」を発表。人髪や合成繊維を使用する従来のつけまつげとは違い、100%紙でできている新しいタイプのつけまつげ。中国の切り紙工芸「剪紙(せんし)」を応用し、まさに匠の技といえる見事な細工が施され、強いインパクトと繊細な美しさで思わず目を奪われてしまう。FSC(Forest Stewardship Council)認定紙を材料に、自然にも人間にも優しい。エコでキュート、エクスプレッシブでグラマラス。

2011年2月の日本上陸以来、すでに販売されている11種に加え、新しく夏を意識したライン「Under the sea/Small Under the sea」が仲間入りします。この2つは、特別な日に目を彩るフルサイズと、デイリーにつけてもかわいいスモールサイズです。



The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

Paperself is a platform for the innovative exploration of paper for contemporary product design. 
Since the time of the ancient Egyptians, paper has enabled the world to communicate. It has bought continents closer together, educated millions and for centuries has provided a canvas for creation, experimentation and the realisation of ideas. Paper is everywhere and now it is evolving into a new dimension.

Launched in 2009 by London based designer Chunwei Liao, Paperself unites artists, designers and manufacturers from East to West. Challenging conventions of product design, Paperself offers a stylish alternative in furniture, homeware and accessories for eco-conscious living.

Paperself is fast gaining recognition for its inventive adaptations, having exhibited at numerous trade fairs and design forums across the globe, as well as being featured in some of the top international publications and online media. Continuing to expand and evolve, Paperself looks to the future, seeking out new talent, transcending traditions and promoting the perception of paper through new eyes.

This is the beginning of a paper revolution.








Text by M.M